The junior lieutenant Nikolay Markin makes his way to the strict regime colony somewhere in Siberia. He has a secret mission. But he never gets there, 'cause short of three kilometers from the entrance to the colony, he becomes a witness of escape of the prisoner Dmytry Voronkov. Without any hesitation, the officer starts chasing the escapee. Unlike the prisoner who had prepared the backpack, Nikolai had no maps, no food, no weapons. However, he insists on pursuing the fugitive.
This is the beginning of the story which is worth comparing with such masterpieces of the genre "Fugitive", "US Marshals" and "Prison Break". The fates of two men from different worlds, a prisoner and an officer, become inextricably intertwined. During just some days, as the story goes, there are lots of incredible events, that absolutely change the audience attitude to what's happening on the screen. The viewer will follow the plot with a subtle detective stratagem with enthusiasm and really empathize the heroes! We are to solve plenty of interesting and even shocking riddles of the story: who framed Voronkov and put him into jail, why pursuers try to kill the lieutenant Markin, what documents an ordinary prisoner may possess, why implacable enemies fight backāto-back and what secret mission was planned in the colony.